Terms of service

1. General


These terms apply to all purchases made on the website www.efficiencytactics.com and will always be available from here.


All agreements regarding purchases made on the website are entered into with:




2. Description of processing


2.1. Membership and other services

With a EfficiencyTactics membership, the customer will gain access to an online universe of knowledge and inspirational content regarding business development, strategy and career and business goal setting among others through webinars, courses or articles. EfficiencyTactics assumes no responsibility for the customer’s/user’s use of the information on the website/platform. We emphasize that any actions in line with advice given in the courses or coaching sessions are solely the customer’s/user’s own risk.


When setting up a membership, the customer creates a user account and, in this connection, ensures that the information is correct at the time of registration. The customer’s log-in information is personal and must not be used by others unless otherwise agreed. The customer must keep login information secured so that others may not get unauthorised access to the information. The customer is responsible for all use of his or her own user account.


EfficiencyTactics sells several products independently from the EfficiencyTactics membership. These products – i.e. merchandise, gift certificates and tickets for events – are sold via an online shop on EfficiencyTactics.com.


‍The terms listed below apply to all services provided by EfficiencyTactics, unless otherwise specifically stated or separately agreed.


2.2 Money coaching

EfficiencyTactics is dedicated to helping the customer understand the world of goal setting and planning, including motivation enhancement and business strategies. EfficiencyTactics aim is to help the customer take control of its financial well-being by delivering a solid education and responsible strategies that the customer can be comfortable with.


The offered coaching services by EfficiencyTactics coaches do not constitute solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer byEfficiencyTactics or any third-party service provider to buy or sell any financial instruments or other financial products (including without limitation deposits, insurance products and pension schemes) in Denmark or in any other jurisdiction.


The role of EfficiencyTactics coaches is to support and assist the customer, but the customer’s success depends primarily on its own effort, motivation, commitment, and follow-through. EfficiencyTactics cannot and do not guarantee that the customer will attain a particular result. As with any coaching services, the customer’s results may vary, and will be subject to many variables, including but not limited to the customer’s own capacity, expertise, and level of commitment.


When requesting coaching services from FI, the customer acknowledges that the customer takes full responsibility for its financial situation and well-being, and all decisions made now or in future, including any investments or plans made. Furthermore, the customer acknowledges and agrees to waive all potential claims against EfficiencyTactics and its staff.


EfficiencyTactics would like to draw attention to the following warnings:


Investing, career change, business development and taking a company to market involves risks. The market changes constantly. The customer may not get back the invested amount or time spent on education or coaching. 


Go-to-market strategies and goal setting are a complicated matter that requires serious due diligence and plannig. As a rule, the customer should only take any action they understand the risks associated with.


EfficiencyTactics wants to educate the customer on how to start and manage the customer’s own goals (business and personal) .EfficiencyTactics does not have a licence from any business or financial authorities. Consequently, EfficiencyTactics does not assess the customer’s individual risk profile in relation to investments or go-to-market strategies and does not, in any case, make specific recommendations as to the suitability of any potential investments or career moves. Therefore, EfficiencyTactics does not know all the relevant facts about the customer and/or the customer’s individual needs, and EfficiencyTactics does not represent or claim that any of the offered services are suitable for the customer’s needs. The customer should consider its experience, financial situation, objectives and risk tolerance level prior to making any decisions, as the responsibility is solely the customer’s own.


All content from EfficiencyTactics is information of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. The content is not intended as a substitute for legal, commercial, coaching, business and/or financial advice from a licensed professional. The content and services should be used as a launching point for the customer’s own research so that the customer can make better informed decisions.


EfficiencyTactics services offered are not for the purpose of acting as the customer’s personal adviser. The customer should seek a licensed adviser if the customer is looking for personalised advice.


3.Entering agreement


The agreement between the customer and EfficiencyTactics is entered when the customer’s order has been received on EfficiencyTactics server.


When the customer’s order is received, we will send an order confirmation as soon as possible by email with the customer’s order number, name, address, payment method and delivery address, if any together with a list of the services ordered. The customer’s order confirmation will not be accessible through the website and we encourage our customers to save the forwarded order confirmation.


4. Payment and termination


All prices are inclusive of VAT. Please note that we charge in EUR or DKK. The exact amount charged may therefore vary slightly from the price in DKK or EUR, depending on today’s exchange rate. The applicable price is the price listed next to the service on the website at the time of the order. Courses, webinars, and the like should only be included in the membership fee if it has specifically been listed as free for members.


EfficiencyTactics reserves the right to change prices on the website which have been erroneously specified. EfficiencyTactics also reserves the right to make changes to fees and/or other costs listed on the website at any time.


On the website, the following payment methods may be used: Visa and Mastercard. All information provided in connection with the payment transaction is protected by encryption.


When using payment cards in connection with payment concerning physical goods, the amount will not be withdrawn until the order has been shipped. If the payment concerns a continuing membership, the amount will be withdrawn when the membership has been drawn up and subsequently each month in advance. The membership is automatically renewed until termination. If we cannot withdraw the amount from the specified means of payment, we will close access to the membership site.


Cancellation of the membership must take place before the renewal date of the membership. If the membership is cancelled after the renewal date, the membership will terminate at the end of the renewed membership period. Therefore the purchase is not refundable.


To terminate the agreement, the customer must contact EfficiencyTactics at email@efficiencytactics.com.


5. Delivery time and place


Under normal circumstances, EfficiencyTactics confirms and ships physical goods within 3 to 5 working days after the order confirmation. Longer delivery time, if any, will be stated in the order confirmation. You will be contacted if your order is not shipped from Copenhagen within 5 working days. If delivery is urgent or you wish to take delivery on a certain date, you may state this in the comment field of your order, and will do our best to comply with your wishes.


Further information regarding delivery time and place will be stated in the order confirmation.


6. Shipment in Denmark


We ship to a parcel shop with GLS or DAO in Denmark.


7. Adjustments and changes


FI reserves the right to change the fee and other terms for the membership. The customer will be notified of any changes no later than thirty (30) days before the changes come into force. In the event of such changes, the customer will be entitled to terminate the subscription from the day the changes come into force.


If the customer does not terminate the subscription before the changes come into force, it will be regarded as acceptance of the change. Changes that are obviously an advantage for the customer would apply immediately without the right to termination on the part of the customer.


8.Right of cancellation


8.1. Membership and purchase of courses

‍Purchase of membership and courses is binding. EfficiencyTactics is a digital service, and the customer is given direct access to the full content when purchasing. Because the customer may use the digital learning material directly after completing the purchase, such immediate access requires the customer to give expressly consent to waive the right of cancellation when subscribing and/or buying courses. This means that if the customer purchases courses or one-year membership, the purchase will be binding and therefore not be refundable, should the customer choose to cancel their subscription before the end of the membership period. It is possible for members to close their profile at any time they wish even though the money will not be refunded.


The right of cancellation does not apply to purchases of coaching sessions at a specific date unless the arrangement is cancelled or moved by EfficiencyTactics.


‍8.2. Physical goods and gift certificates

‍The customer will be entitled to cancel a purchase of physical goods, provided that the goods are in the condition as when received and are in intact original packaging. If the customer wishes to exercise the right to cancel the purchase, the customer should inform EfficiencyTactics within two (2) weeks after receiving the goods. Should the last day of the cancellation period fall on a holiday, a Saturday, the Danish Constitution day, the 24th of December or the 31st of December, the period shall lapse the following workday. The customer bears the burden of proof that the right to withdraw has been exercised in due time.


Please note that gift certificates cannot be returned.


The customer may choose to use our standard form available at standardfortrydelsesformular (in Danish only), but it is not required.


When the customer has informed EfficiencyTactics of the wish to exercise the cancellation right, the customer shall send the goods to EfficiencyTactics, within two (2) weeks. The customer will bear all costs connected to returning the goods to EfficiencyTactics.


When the customer has notified EfficiencyTactics that the customer wishes to cancel the purchase, EfficiencyTactics shall refund the amount paid by the customer, including delivery costs, back to the customer without undue delay and no later than two (2) weeks from the notification date. EfficiencyTactics will not refund any extra costs if the customer chooses another delivery form other than the cheapest standard delivery offered by EfficiencyTactics. The customer should pay all costs in connection with returning the goods.


Refunds are conditional upon the goods being received by EfficiencyTactics or if the customer has presented documentation that the goods have been returned.


EfficiencyTactics will refund the amount to the same means of payment as used by the customer in connection with the original transaction, unless the customer has expressly accepted thatEfficiencyTactics may refund by other means of payment.


If the customer chooses to cancel part of a delivery and only return part of the delivery, EfficiencyTactics will refund the amount corresponding to the returned goods without undue delay and no later than two (2) weeks from the date the customer has notified EfficiencyTactics of the partial cancellation. EfficiencyTactics shall not refund delivery costs in connection with partial cancellations.


If the value of the goods has been significantly reduced due to the handling of the goods in another way than what is necessary to establish the nature of the goods, the properties, and the functionality of the goods, EfficiencyTactics will deduct an amount corresponding to the reduction of the value from the refund from EfficiencyTactics.


‍8.3. Cancellation or rescheduling of money coaching sessions

‍Money coaching sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 24 hours before the agreed session. If a money coaching session is cancelled within 24 hours, or if the customer fails to show up to a money coaching session, the full price will be charged, asEfficiencyTactics has committed the time.


If a customer cancels a coaching session over 24 hours in advance, EfficiencyTactics will not charge you for the missed session. Cancellation or rescheduling of a money coaching session over 24 in advance is made via the customers own calendar or through direct message to the coach concerned. If the cancellation is made via the client’s own calendar, it is done in the following way: when the client books a coaching session, the client will receive a calendar invitation. It is important that this is accepted. If the client wishes to cancel the appointment, this invitation must be declined. EfficiencyTactics will then be notified of this and the cancellation will be registered.  


9.Expiry and replacement of gift certificates


A gift certificate from EfficiencyTactics is a certificate issued to the holder, which means that if you lose it, it will not be replaced. It also means that the person in possession of the certificate may use it. You may compare the certificates to banknotes or coins which are not replaced if lost.

Gift certificates bought from EfficiencyTactics will expire one (1) year after the issue date, unless otherwise expressly stated. The issue date is the date money is withdrawn from the customer.


We wish to provide good customer service, so if you experience issues with your gift certificate, please contact us at email@efficiencytactics.com.


10.Default notice – defects


The customer has a right to seek redress for defective or faulty products within two (2) years of receiving the physical products. The customer may therefore not claim defects or faults discovered more than two (2) years after the goods are delivered.


If the customer discovers that the product delivered is defective, the customer should inform EfficiencyTactics within a reasonable time after these defects have been discovered and a maximum of of 2 weeks. The customer should be aware that the ‘defective products provisions’ of the Danish Sale of Goods Act apply to all goods purchased.




If there are disputes between the customer and EfficiencyTactics regarding the customer’s purchase, customers in Denmark may file a complaint with the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority’s Centre for Complaints [_Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsens Center for Klageløsning_], Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg, tlf. 72405600. The customer may find further information regarding the complaint, fees etc. at www.forbrug.dk.


The customer may complain to the Danish Centre for complaints via www.forbrug.dk.


Customers in other EU countries may file complaints regarding disputes between the customer and EfficiencyTactics regarding the customer’s purchase via the European platform for Online Dispute Resolution,  http://ec.europa.eu/odr. When filing the complaint, the customer may refer to the EfficiencyTactics e-mail address email@efficiencytactics.com.


12.Intellectual property


All rights to products, articles, webinars, courses, events, etc shall belong to FI. In general, website users/customers cannot copy of publish content (e.g. articles and webinars) from EfficiencyTactics, unless this is in accordance with EfficiencyTactics’s instructions or with our consent. Commercial use of our trademark (name, logo etc.) is not allowed.




EfficiencyTactics does not assume liability for the customer’s/user’s use of the information available on the website/platform. We stress that investments, taking a company to maket, making career changes etc, including trade in securities, are generally associated with great risks and that the liability for these risks lies with the customer. EfficiencyTactics cannot be held liable for lack of earnings or losses connected to the customer’s/user’s use of the knowledge gained from the website/portal. EfficiencyTactics is not liable for delays or non-compliance with the obligations of the agreement if such non-compliance is due to force majeure. As long as a force majeure situation exists, EfficiencyTactics exempt from compliance with the obligations.


14.Personal data

The information provided by the customer, in connection with placing an order or subscribing to membership, will be registered byEfficiencyTactics who will be data controller for the information. To read more regarding personal data and the customer’s rights in this respect please see our privacy policy here. The latest version of these terms is dated 06 June 2023.