5 things to learn from startups

5 things to learn from startups Here are 5 things intrinsic to startups and useful to everyone. Be OK with NOT knowing things Get a mentor!!! Experiment Set your mind to be in it for the long game Be OK with the ‘no’ Table of Contents 1. Be OK with NOT knowing things Startups are […]

Pay raise negotiations – Why? and How?​

Pay raise negotiations – Why? and How? Disclaimer This article is to help you negotiate a pay rise and this is only a suggestion of a pay rise format. The writer and EfficiencyTactics takes no responsibility in the outcome of the salary negotiation. The results of the negotiation will be very much dependent on the […]

Fractional leadership

Fractional Leadership What is fractional leadership? Fractional leadership, also known as fractional executive or fractional management, refers to a business arrangement where an organisation hires a part-time or temporary executive, manager, or leader to fulfill specific roles and responsibilities within the company. Instead of employing a full-time executive, the organisation opts for a fractional leader […]